The Poppies Sports Series is a collaboration of our projects for primary school children to increase participation in organised sport. The Poppies Sports Series family encompasses all the initiatives we do with, and in schools in our community. To get involved, please visit the links above, or for more information please see below.
Primary ALL PLAY are half day football sessions held at your school, encouraging new players to give football a try, alongside more confident classmates. For more details of sessions please click here.
The Inter School League (ISL) are weekly 5 a side fixtures between schools from Kettering and the surrounding area. Featuring ten weeks of fixtures for all three school terms, and with 8 minute games that enables us to host 15 games per session, keeping the children busy and morale high. For more information please click here.
Kettering Town Community Trust has worked passionately in schools for a number of years, running engaging football or multi sports sessions from school sites; morning, lunch time & after school. Sessions are run by qualified coaches (DBS, Safeguarding & First Aid trained also) with a maximum of 25 children per session. Awards and certificates are presented to the children, encouraging them to join in, try hard and enjoy themselves! All promotional material and money organised by us - see how parents can book here.
If you would like us to be part of your school sports sessions please contact us!

A school football tournament held by the National League Trust. Children from years 5 & 6 are challenged through various stages of competition in mixed and girls' teams of a 6 a side format. The first stage sees teams competing on a local level against other schools in the local area. The champion will go on to represent us at regional level, and then hopefully onto Nationals! Click here to enquire.